Laser cut card

Express your message with a personalised laser cut card, ideal for greetings, birthdays, holidays and other special events.

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Laser cut card

Express your message with a personalised laser cut card, ideal for greetings, birthdays, holidays and other special events.

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Laser cut card

Express your message with a personalised laser cut card, ideal for greetings, birthdays, holidays and other special events.

Get Started

How Do I: Make a Laser cut card

The cards are pre cut, it is up to you to decorate it how you wish

A single copy of your custom card

Approximately 15min - 1hr

After checking over your artwork, your laser cut design will be posted to you in 2-3 days.

Please follow the instructions on the video tutorial and you can also ask any questions in our Facebook Group: Learn Create Sell Community

You can contact us via email: - please wait 7 working days prior to contacting us.

Inspiration Board

Susan's laser cut card

Susan loved making these laser cut cards for her wedding guests. Susan took two images she liked on the internet to create the design, after explaining she wanted it to be a pocket style card we were able to advise her of ways to easily fold the card where she needed it using a perforated laser cut.

Kirsty's Wedding Invites

Kirsty loved using the workshops to make her wedding invitations, she used a beautiful engraved corner design and adapted it to make it suitable for cutting out, she then made the whole design fold  together using perforated lines. She used a high sparkle heavy weight glitter card for this design.

Paris' Party Invites

Paris made these beautiful laser cut invitations in the style of a pocket/wallet. Paris combined a fleur de lis pattern with a decorative border to make the top flap. This was cut from heavy weight glitter card and finished with a crystal tear drop embellishment.