Keepsake Box

Organise your space and keep your treasured memories in one place with this little chest style

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How Do I: Make A Keepsake Box

Inspiration Board

Julie's Trinket Box

Julie opted to only engrave on the inside lid of this box (a personal message to her mum). Julie then white washed the box with watered down mat emulsion, embellished with paper flowers, decorative flowers and pearl embellishments. 

Sarah's Jewellery box

Sarah made this box as a jewellery box for her daughter Abbie, she painted the box and decorated it with laser cut letters, ribbon and embellishments.

Carl's Memory/Jewellery box

Carl opted to just engrave this box with beautiful decorative swirls and a floral deign. Carl then stained the box and added two coats of varnish. Simple but wonderfully effective design.